A new preface for "The XXL Syndrome"?
(...)In July, the European leader of the medicinal plants, Arkopharma, found himself with the dock. Its former chairman [ml: founder, majority shareholder and current chairman of the board of trustees], Max Rombi, was condemned to 30.000 euros of fine for “fraud” by the correctional court of Toulouse. It is after having consumed capsules containing powder of Chinese plants provided by Arkopharma that two women from Toulouse (France) developed since 1993 an irreversible renal insufficiency. The laboratory, which ensures to have carried out all possible controls, rejects the fault on its Chinese supplier. The case will be judged again soon in appeal. Just like that which carried out in November 2005 the ex-owner of Arkopharma in front of the correctional court of Nice. This time, two women from Nice (France) had died of the continuations of a cancer of the urinary tracts following the consumption of capsules containing roots imported by Arkopharma. Max Rombi, which refuses to believe that its capsules could start cancers, has been sentenced to serve three years in jail with deferment for manslaughter. As many dramatic accidents which do not discourage the candidates with the loss of weight. The slimming products indeed account for 30% of the sales turnover of the food complements, with, like engine, 4,3,2,1 Thinness, of Arkopharma, and its 12% of shares of market. (...)
The article also mentions there's been neurological and cardiac problems in two women one of whom is deceased due to the consumption of ephedra (Ma Huang). Now at least six of the asiatitrats contained ephedra sinica (Ma Huang). Apparently Arkopharma 's US subsidary - aka Health From The Sun - still commercializing ephedra (see its Diet products).
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