Since 1992 chronic renal failures have been detected in women that have absorbed pills containing chinese herbs extracts. The more fortunate of them underwent kidney transplant surgery, others survive thanks to hemodialysis, a third category either suffers from urinal cancer or either are deceased. Commercialized by Arkopharma (e.g. Health From The Sun) asiatitrat pills - which contained those extracts - were absorbed in the early 90's by 2,000 to 3,000 women in France and even more in Belgium where 1 million pills were sold. To date criminal proceedings against Max Rombi - Arkopharma's founder and ex-CEO - are ongoing since 1994. Max Rombi is pursued for homicides, injuries, frauds and misleading advertising. In October 2005 Max Rombi has been found guilty and sentenced to serve two years in jail and pay 20,000 euros penalty for "unintentional" homicides by Nice (France) correctional court. After fourteen years of procedures in a complete U-turn, on July the 5th of 2006, Max Rombi is acquitted of the charges of "unintentional" injuries by Toulouse (France) correctional court. Max Rombi has appealed both correctional courts sentences. Once more victims are insulted...

The figures shown below relate to known cases which means there are other women whom havng absorbed Arkopharma's asiatitrat pills and having lost their kidneys do not realize the cause of their renal failure. The purpose of this blog is to bring to public knowledge a problem that concerns us all and wherein an unscrupulous individual veterinary improvising himself as an expert in chinese medecine sold pills through the company he founded regardless of public health and safety standards...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Case of the asiatitrat (Nice, France) : Appeal next Monday September the 18th

The seance for the judgement in appeal of Max Rombi - Arkopharma 's ex-CEO and founder and current chairman of the supervisory board - will be hold next Monday September the 18th 2006 at the correctionnal chamber number7 of Aix-en-Provence (France) Court of Appeal. Let's remind that Max Rombi was condemned to serve 2 years in jail with suspended sentence and a fine for 20,000 euros for "unintentional" homicides by Nice (France) Correctionnal Tribunal in October 2005. Nice (France)'s Correctionnal Tribunal then ackowledged the link of cause-to-effect between the absorption of the arkocapsules and the death of Valerie Jouffret (33 years old, mother of 3 young children aged 8 to 11) and Regine Crispino (40 years old), link of cause-to-effect that Max Rombi and his company Arkopharma are systematically denying...

This event is quite important considering last July the 5th 2006 Toulouse (France) Correctional Tribunal's sentence to discharge Max Rombi for the charges of "unintentional" injuries on two young women - then aged 21 and 23 - who lost their kidneys following the absorption of arkocapsules asiatitrat (commercialized by Arkopharma as a "weight-loss" medecine)...

While Max Rombi - which family is still Arkopharma's majority shareholder and who's still Arkopharma's supervisory board chairman - is not put behind bars, and while the french justice will fail to set Arkopharma in front of responsablities the company's still refusing to assume, there will be more victims worldwide of poisons commercialized by Arkopharma (aka Health From the Sun aka Nature Life aka Arkochim...) under the fraudulent and misleading labels and marketing campaigns...

Do we have to remind that exolise commercialized years after asiatitrat by Arkopharma is responsible for hepatitis on consumers? Do we have to remind that in 1998 Max Rombi has been already condemned for fraud and misleading advertisement for another "weight-loss" product called Bio 2000? More recently, the famous Arkopharma's NTB ciragettes to quit smoking- for whose the chairman of the french tabagism office states "this product sold in drugstores(...) looks inoffensive when it's actually toxic" - has been withdrawn of the spanish market since Spanish Health Ministry consider its purpose not good for health whereas Arkopharma's commercialize it stating "good for health"!

Lets hope then french media will cover the event as it must be instead of remaining curiously mute on this case. Let's hope that once for all the sentence Max Rombi will be condemned to will be to the measure of the damage he has caused and the suffering is still infliging to the victims and their families. Finally let's hope Arkopharma will get the publicity it really deserves to have worldwide.
We're reproducing below traductions of extracts eloquent enough of JCJ's - husband of a deceased victim - moving testimony (Thank you JCJ).

(...)In 1st instance Nice (France) Correctionnal Tribunal overpassed the Republic Procuror's requisitions (50% majoration) and condemned Max Rombi of Arkopharma to serve 3 years in jail with suspended sentence and 30,000 euros of penalty and Jean-Paul Gallon the nicean pharmacist who delivered the products to 12 months in jail with suspended sentence. (Seance 10/05/2005, Judgement 11/17/2005)

These light sentences in comparison to the gravity of the facts will never be severe enough for the loss of a spouse, mother, daughter, who was only aged 33. Her 3 daughters who were then aged 11years1/2, 11years1/2 and 8years1/2 will never cease to suffer for the absence of their mum.

Furthermore one can only be revolted at how Arkopharma expressed its compassion for the suffering of the victims'families. Indeed Arkopharma didn't did it spontaneouly but only after the reprimand done by one of the civic parties representing the consumers. One can call that "recuperation of arguments" to have "good conscience"...

At last it's disgraceful that Arkopharma wanted to sow confusion leading a polemica in relation to the cause-to-effect link in despite of legists and experts reports named by the Tribunal which acknowledged the link undoubtedly. French, Belgian and German legal experts studied and analyzed more than 100 samples taken on each deceased victim during an autopsy that lasted 7 hours against the defense of Max Rombi and his company Arkopharma. Should I havn't accepted the autopsy for my beloved wife Valerie, I'd never would have have the certainty for the cause of the renal ilness and then for the decease.(...)


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